Wild Vittles: Wild Game Cooking For Everyone
Wild Vittles is a wild game cooking podcast focused on helping you become a better wild game cook. We will explore recipes and talk to professional wild game cooks as well as home cooks . We will focus on overcoming labels like "gamey", tough and dry by better understanding how to properly prepare your harvest or catch.
Wild Vittles: Wild Game Cooking For Everyone
EP 16: "Livin the Dream!" Learning from the Professional Wild Game Chef Jeff Benda
I sat down with Jeff Benda who is a professional Wild Game Chef with over 20 years of experience, to discuss how he got started, what he has learned and what advice he has for all of us as we strive to improve our skills as wild game cooks. I highly recommend you check out his website ( https://wildgameandfish.com ) and view his library of wild game recipes. If you are interested, he also has a weekly newsletter where he shares recipes as well! In this episode we talk about wild game processing, waterfowl (including docs and geese), fishing, pronghorn antelope, deer and elk and loads of other interesting topics!
Jef Benda's Website: https://wildgameandfish.com